Activity Feeds

Recent Activity

Get recent user activity related to a specific item (account, product, tag, post, video, etc.). For a target object, this algorithm pulls the most recent user actions on that object.



All-purpose activity feeds

Utilizing engagement data from your user base, Pipeless can generate unique activity feeds specific to a topic, piece of content or account (even for new or unregistered users), increasing further engagement, conversion and retention on your product.

Flexible formats for varied uses

Our recommendation algorithm accepts any type of relationship between users and content, so no matter your industry or how your users engage with content, Pipeless can offer powerful activity feeds.

Advanced controls for activity feeds

Designed to be simple and easy-to-use, our API provides optional advanced functionality to include relationship direction, pagination, and more.

Use Case Examples

Feeds For

eCommerce Products

Show feeds of products users like, view, add to cart, purchase, save, add to wish list, rate positively.
Feeds For

Niche Communities

Show feeds of content associated with interests where user posted content is tagged with that interest.
Feeds For

Social Networks

Show feeds of users who liked, followed, tagged their posted content with a topic, brand, category.

Quick Implementation

The Pipeless API has extensive documentation covering how-to’s, tutorials and API reference material to help you get up and running as quickly and easily as possible. We also have a built-in data uploader in our dashboard so you can go from signing up (for free!) to testing your own data in minutes.

More Activity Feeds

Activity Feeds

Following Feed

Get a timeline of content from accounts a user is following.
Activity Feeds

Following Action Feed

Get a feed of activity using multiple signals of user engagement from accounts a user is following.

Other Solutions


Whether you want to show recommended articles, posts, photos, videos, products, users or more, with the Recommendation API you can get real-time recommendations to power a personalized experience.
Learn More